Film Title: Nick Knight
Released: August 20, 1989
Directed by: Farhad Mann
Written by: James T. Parriott based on a story by Barney Cohen & James T. Parriott
Plot: A centuries old vampire working as a homicide detective in Los Angeles investigates a series of murders that seem to be being committed by another of his kind.
IMDb: 6.5/10
My Score: 2/5
Nick Knight is a pilot for an unproduced television series of the same name starring Rick Springfield as the eponymous character. After this incarnation was passed on, the script languished for a few years until CBS recommissioned another pilot, with essentially the same story, that was picked up and turned into the series Forever Knight starring Geraint Wyn Davies as Knight. The only returning cast member from this production is John Kapelos as Nick's partner Det. Donald Schanke. The movie concerns Springfield, a vampire trying to become human with the help of his friend, forensic pathologist Dr. Jack Brittington (Robert Harper). Springfield is also a night shift homicide detective in Los Angeles in an attempt to repent of his past sins. A string of vampire-esque murders, including the break-in at a museum where a guard was killed and an ancient relic used for drinking blood was stolen, reluctantly teams Springfield with Kapelos to solve the case due to pressure from their higher ups. The film's relatively low-budget shows in shoddy sets and the soundtrack is painfully obvious (i.e., The Human League's "Human" and Steve Winwood's "Don't You Know What the Night Can Do?"). The acting isn't all that great either with Michael Nader giving an atrocious turn as Springfield's former vampire master Lacroix and Springfield's vampire side is completely unbelievable. This should really only be of interest to Springfield fans or fans of Forever Knight interested in seeing an alternate take of the series. Check out the scene using the song "Human" below.
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