Film Title: The Lego Movie
Released: February 7, 2014
Directed by: Phil Lord & Christopher Miller
Written by: Phil Lord & Christopher Miller based on a story by Dan Hageman, Kevin Hageman, Phil Lord & Christopher Miller
Plot: An unexceptional construction worker is called upon to save the universe.
IMDb: 8.0/101
Rotten Tomatoes: 96/100
My Score: 5/5
Simply put, The Lego Movie is fantastic. From start to finish it is very difficult for me to find fault with the film. The voice acting, the script and the music are all amazing. Lord Business (Will Farrell) is a megalomaniac who is going to end the universe by using a relic called the Kragle to keep everything exactly the way he wants it. A group of master builders are the only thing that stands in his way. Emmett (Chris Pratt) is an ordinary construction worker who finds the mythical Piece of Resistance, the only thing that can stop the Kragle. Full of the humor that makes the Lego video games so much fun, the story is really so inventive and creative that its difficult to say much about it without giving away everything. Mark Mothersbaugh's electro heavy score fits perfectly with the frenetic action and the song "Everything is Awesome" is so delightfully cheesy, upbeat and catchy that it'll be stuck in your head for days. With the exception of the mysterious relics, everything is made from Lego pieces, including dust, smoke and water, lending a definite sense of authenticity to the whole affair. While everyone who lends a voice is superb, Liam Neeson really steals the show as the police officer henchman of Lord Business with a split personality. He is both Good Cop and Bad Cop, and his good cop voice is so terrible that it easily steals the show as the best of the bunch. That really says something when he is among a crowd that includes Elizabeth Banks, Morgan Freeman, Will Arnett, and Nick Offerman. Jonah Hill, Channing Tatum, Will Forte and Cobie Smulders also lend their voices in smaller supporting roles. Hopefully the Academy won't forget about this one during the Oscar race at the end of the year.
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