Sunday, June 15, 2014

King Frat (1979)

Film Title: King Frat
Also Known As: Campus King & Delta House
Released: July 1979
Directed by: Ken Wiederhorn
Written by: Ron Kurz (as Mark Jackson)
Starring: John DiSanti & Dan Fitzgerald

Plot: This raunchy college comedy follows the misadventures of the Pi Kappa Delta fraternity, which includes an entry into a farting contest and other equally lowbrow hi-jinks.

IMDb Score: 4.5/10
Rotten Tomatoes Score: No Score
My Score: 1/5


In the wake of Animal House in 1978 came King Frat just one year later. It not only tries to be John Landis' debut film but it also tries to outdo it in about every way possible, too. More boobs, more fart jokes, more drinking, more general gross out factor. The result, however, leaves much to be desired. I can do lowbrow comedy but this movie is just trying too hard to be crass and offensive. The plot concerns (in no particular order), the Pi Kappa Delta brothers driving around town mooning everyone they see, causing the death of the Yellowstream University (yep, that's the name of their school) president before the end of the title sequence; entering a farting contest, complete with "fartometer"; a couple that inadvertently have sex in the back of an ambulance only to get stuck together (the guy is in a gorilla suit and the girl, in order to hide her identity while being wheeled through the hospital, has a paper bag put over her head); the president of the fraternity (John DiSanti as the aptly named "Gross-Out" Gumbroski) and his relationship with his blowup doll he's named Grisselda; and of course the ubiquitous rivalry with the preppy frat that culminates in an all out brawl near the end of the film. These plot elements don't even include the glaringly racist portrayals of the one black actor in the film (who works as some sort of janitor for the preppy frat, going so far as to even call them "master" when he speaks to them) and a white guy (Dan Chandler) playing a Native American Pi Kappa Delta named Chief Latrine of the Kissawong tribe (complete with terribly stereotypical dialogue and delivery: "I no eat that! That white man food."). King Frat is supposed to be a comedy but the problem is that it's just not that funny.

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